Total darkness
Chair moves left
Was that right or left
I think that went right
oh, definitely left
Lights come on-
Chair moved down
and down, again.
I know I can't say down-
too many times-
I'd go through the floor.
I think that was up.
Was that up or down
It is confusing
hard with no balance
Tilt to the right
Right, I think
Feeling weary now
Chair tilts to the left
Lights come back on.
I hear “start” and beep
I hear “respond” and beep
I have to decide
which button to press
I press the right
then press the left
Repeat hundreds of times
It was mentally exhausting... when I got back, I think I slept for 9 or 10 hours!
I had an interesting experience on Thursday, I had two appointments and pre-op in Boston for my NF2 , but during the short time breaks before, after, and between each of those appointments and then some more on Friday, I participated in about eight hours of a vestibular research project at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute, that I had been asked to take part in. (They paid be a little compensation to do it, which was a nice bonus.) It was especially interesting because they had never done the test with a person with bilateral loss of balance nerves, nor a deaf person, for that matter. I had to sit in a strange looking big robot chair that moves on some tracks, in complete darkness, and then press either of two buttons to indicate which direction I perceived the chair motion having had made. My feet were on a platform below and moved in the same motion as the chair. It could move side to side, or up and down, or tilt right or left. Sometimes I could tell my feeling the direction my body moved, but other times I just had to press a button and guess! This task would be difficult for any person, but I think they were particularlly interested in working with me because they know I have no intact balance nerves, however do these things that I'm “not supposed to be able to do,” such as marathons, triathlons, etc.
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